Some families are made in the heart!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I was at a benefit at my parent's church not too long ago, when I overheard an older gentleman ask an expectant mother how she was feeling. It didn't take her long to dive into the ocean of complaints she had been perfecting for the last nine months.
I tried very hard not to listen, but it was difficult NOT to.....this is how it went. "Oh, I am so sick of being fat. My back aches all the time, I can't lay down for more than five minutes, but my feet hurt too bad to stand. I have heart burn so bad I can't stand to eat." And the cherry on top of this already melting sundae......"I am ready to have this stupid baby!"

STUPID BABY?!?!?!? Are you kidding me?!?!? How could she even say something so amazingly painful? I had to walk away before my mouth opened and my heart fell out. It took all I had to not walk over to her and tell her what I thought. What I wanted to tell her was, "I hope that baby stays in there forever! I hope that you are miserable for the rest of your life! I hope that when that baby IS born you STILL have heart burn and soar feet! But more than that I hope that WHEN this baby is born you are reminded every day of what you just said. I hope you are so much in love with this baby that you will FOREVER regret uttering those awful words!"

Later that night her voice was still playing in my head. My heart ached....but the more I thought about it I realized that it didn't ache for JUST the baby. I was sad for that woman. She had NO idea what a blessing she was given. As an adoptive mommy I never had the experience of feeling the baby kick inside, I never saw my belly expand due to the growing baby. I prayed for that lady that night. I prayed that she one day would look back on her pregnancy and say Thank You God for blessing me with the experience of feeling the growth of my child.

Now, allow me to be clear. I do NOT regret the lack of pregnancy. I only want to serve as a reminder to biological mother's. Count your blessings, be thankful that you get to experience all the feelings, good and bad, of pregnancy.....and for us adoptive mommy's....we have our own "pregnancy pains"....ours just happen on paper! :)

Have a Blessed Day!

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